Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Whoa! And other thoughts

I finally ran/walked/limped a 5k. Small potatoes for some you out there, but that's huge for me. I am generally lazy and don't like to do much of anything other than eat or sleep. Big stuff for me.

However, today I was out running and some kids heckled me. Now, I know I shouldn't let that bother me, they're just kids and all, but dang that smarts!  I was bullied growing up and it seriously messed with my head. I don't think that's something you can't just tell someone to get over and deal with. And I challenge anyone to try that themselves. I've worked so hard to get where I am and it's sad that some kid yelling stupidly at me can just take me back to being nine and having someone kick an ant mound at you.

I guess all I can do is keep running and push through it all and revel in what I have made myself into. I just remember that I am a work in progress and that truly great things take time. I also tell myself that those kids are going to grow up and be fat. Ha!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Run Mama Run

I started a couch potato to 5k program six weeks ago. Yeah, I know, but there doesn't seem to be anything lower on the activity scale than couch potato. Anyway, I still seem to be chasing that runner's high. Everyone that I know that runs on a regular basis talks about getting that endorphin rush that is better than sex with that beautiful blonde man from True Blood. I'm wondering when that kicks in for me. After I run, the first thing I do is strip naked and lie under the fan and wait for God to take me away in his flaming chariot, all the while my husband is ogling me. Maybe that's the runner's high--that fabulous feeling of being wanted even when I'm sweating profusely while crying and swearing at the same time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I Am the Unhippest Mama

Seriously, I really am.  I actually use phrases like "unhippest".  I suppose that's okay, I'm not really a hipster kind of gal anyway.  I like things like Lady Gaga or Justin Timberlake and not in an ironic way either.  I have never worn skinny jeans (not on purpose anyway, maybe they shrank in the dryer and I was too lazy to get another pair, okay?  Get your judgy eyes off me!) and I think that pants in neon colors or animal prints are an aberration in the sight of the Lord.  I don't like to drink cheap beer or pay a lot of money for clothes that look like they should be sent back in Marty McFly's DeLorean. 

I mean, I am kind of cool, I guess.  I like Sufjan Stevens, he's kind of a hipster, right?  I own four pairs of Toms shoes (five, if you include the cute yellow cork-heeled wedges).  I like fancy beer (or is that out now?).  I suppose the unhippest thing I have done is abandon the big city that I love so dearly to move into a house in the suburbs.  Despite the fact that we are told it's a buyer's market, we couldn't afford the steep mortgages with in the city limits.  So Dear Hubs and I sent ourselves packing to the far reaches of the suburbs.  It gets lonely out here, but I hardly ever hear the coyotes anymore (I kid, mostly).  I had a baby, and he is clearly the hippest thing on the property.  Seriously, he's a super cool kid, all the ladies think so.  Just try to resist his wily charms.

Okay, time to stop rambling.  I got this first awkward date post thing out of the way.  :)